What stops you from what you say you want? Why not start something you love! Me? ...I love to learn! I have a long track record in self development starting with Tony Robbins and his book Unlimited Power. I believe he was the spark toward a big bang. I lost over 100 pounds and ran 6 marathons in two years. I have always been fascinated with hypnosis and my journey brought me here. It began with Landmark Education. I then continued with certification as a Performance Coach C.P.C., Relationship Coach, C.R.C. Neuro Linguistic Programming N.L.P., Time Line Therapy® and Hypnosis. I continued and received my Master Practitioner in N.L.P, Time Line Therapy® and Hypnosis with the Tadd James company. I have continued my hypnosis journey with the Dave Elman Institute, a recognized worldwide pioneer in the hypnosis field. He brought hypnosis from the stage to a respectable recognized place in the medical and dental arena. If you are wanting to work toward Weight - Health - Wellness - Motivation - Sports Excellence - Public Speaking - Confidence - Stop Smoking - Releasing Stress - please contact me for an appointment! 217-799-3457 www.stopithypnosis.com