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I quit smoking 3 packs a day cold turkey

I quit smoking 3 packs a day cold turkey. You can quit too! Feel better! Live longer! You can do it!

The Great American Smoke Out is Wednesday, November 20. I did it and so can you!!! I was a 3 pack a day smoker and one day I decided to quit. It was actually out of necessity. I was running late for work and had about a 1.5-hour drive to Springfield IL. I was out of cigarettes and going out of my mind in panic. I didn't have time to stop for anything, cigarettes or the bathroom. For about an hour just panicking how was I going to make the drive and then when I got there how was I going to make it through the day without them? Without my friend...the cigarette. I was yelling at myself in the car how angry I was with myself for being late and putting myself in this position to be without my friend...the cigarette. At some point at about an hour in the drive, I thought this is fuc%ing crazy! Listen to yourself David, I was so pissed off all over this friend...the cigarette. This friend was killing me. I was short of breath, tired all the time and had no energy. My clothes stunk of cigarette soot. My work truck had a brownish tar on all the windows and every surface that was difficult to wash off and the truck smelled like a fermenting wet ashtray. And my loving friend...the cigarette, would one day guarantee me, that I would drown in my own brown chunky mucus or choke to death while gasping for oxygen to breathe while hooked up with tubes to an oxygen machine. I quit in that moment. My lungs grew healthy. I went on to lose over 100 pounds and run 6 marathons in 2 years after quitting smoking. Your life has just begun and today is the day to add energy, vitality, time and life to your life! Your life has just begun and there is so much more living ahead of you. Our cells are constantly rejuvenated, and our entire body is completely replaced with new cells. Make the choice to live. Make the choice to pick the friends in your life that lift you up and bring you to life.…/stay-…/great-american-smokeout.html #quitsmoking #greatamericansmokeout #americancancersociety #americanlungassociation

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